Archives 2009
- Year we learned discretion but ignored destitution December 27, 2009
'Twas a year that brought mankind's madness crashing into the stark realities of the punitive sins of excesses, the deleterious effects of unbridled greed, and maybe, just maybe, it also slammed some heads-in-the-clouds freaks to ground level.
- Backing Bas ...or Ramesh December 20, 2009
As a Christmas gift to my colleague of many, many moons ago, I am backing Basdeo Panday for leadership of the UNC in the upcoming party elections.
- Crime shift from urban to rural districts December 13, 2009
I wish I could take comfort in the marginal drop in the number of murders this year when compared with last year, the way Acting Commissioner James Philbert does.
- Lords, hear ye my prayers December 06, 2009
From today and until such time as I lose faith in the many manifestations of God that most people believe in, I revoke my agnosticism in the interest of my country.
- An 'old boys club' headed by an old lady November 29, 2009
Friday morning. Big day for Prime Minister Patrick Manning. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II heads a list of dignitaries attending the CHOGM. Over the next three days Trinidad and Tobago, this small country, will showcase its wonderful Chinese architecture to our envious Commonwealth brethren.
- Educate, don't just legislate November 22, 2009
On many occasions during my 40 years of driving on the nation's roads, I've witnessed drunk drivers endangering the lives of other motorists. Mostly late nights, although I'm sure it happens during daytime as well, I've seen vehicles wobble much the way drunken persons do when they try to walk after consuming litres of alcohol.
- At that price we expect nothing but the best... November 15, 2009
It's most columnists' nightmare, having to return to a topic he or she will have dealt with recently. It gets worse when the target is a politician, matters not what side of the divide he or she is on.
- What price, national pride? November 08, 2009
Sport Minister Gary Hunt is convinced that the $2 million national flag that flutters over the Hasely Crawford Stadium would instil national pride in the populace. From the flak he has been subjected to ever since the issue first surfaced-the cost, that is, not the flag-he must be wondering what sin he has committed.
- Security sector stinks November 01, 2009
Last Sunday's arms heist at the inappropriately-named 'MI5' security company's premises was a disaster waiting to happen. The saving grace, if there was any, is that the bandits did not kill the lone female security guard and proceed on a gun-rampage through town.
- Leave this 'House of Clowns', Mr Speaker October 25, 2009
With the greatest deference to House Speaker Barry Sinanan, I think he should realise by now that he presides over a House of Clowns. If he values his integrity, he should run like hell, but not before he inflicts some choice words on the 41 jokers who sit in Parliament..
- Jail Chinese contractors for slavery October 18, 2009
Some five years ago when criminal activities intensified to frightening levels, several people who care about this country suggested to Prime Minister Patrick Manning that he declare a limited state of emergency.
- On today, Uff tomorrow October 11, 2009
Someone determined many moons ago that there are three sides to every story-yours, mine, and the truth. Maybe that person lived in Norway, a country long seen as heaven-on-earth, which has consistently ranked at the top of the world in human development.
- Getting our priorities right October 04, 2009
The battle over Government's proposed property tax has intensified. On the one hand, the vast majority of citizens, civic organisations and NGOs have been very vocal in their bid to have government reverse "this oppressive new tax that will pauperise the working and middle classes."
- Discourse and diatribe September 27, 2009
It is depressing, to say the least, watching men and women who hold high offices, eschew discourse in favour of diatribe as they engage each other in matters of national interest.
- Archie buck dem up September 20, 2009
As I listened to Chief Justice Ivor Archie deliver his address at the opening of the new Law Term, I was transported back in time-42 years ago, to be precise. The CJ must have been a little past toddler stage then, and most of his fellow-judges not yet born or barely older.
- Resistance to taxation September 13, 2009
Taxation in any form meets with resistance from those who are made to pay taxes. The tide of taxation-discontent varies. In 1773 in what is now the USA, the cry "no taxation without representation" led to the American Revolution and its declaration of independence from Britain in 1776.
- Answer me, oh my friend September 06, 2009
In this post-national-awards week and on pre-budget day, most of my columnist colleagues would focus on one topic or other. There is a whole lot to be said about the awards system, much of which has already been ventilated.
- What sweet in goat mouth... August 30, 2009
With the price of sugar shooting through the roof-at least by that commodity's standard-there are calls from many quarters for Government to resuscitate the local sugar industry.
- Executive President, yes...elected by the people August 23, 2009
Listening to well-informed people, some of them respected intellectuals, argue against a system of government that allows for an executive president, intrigues me.
- Rid the ranks of rogues, Commissioner August 16, 2009
Acting Police Commissioner James Philbert and his senior aides must be commended for their recent initiatives to clean up the Service. The exposure of one or more corrupt officers at the St Joseph Station, their identities yet to be determined, is but the proverbial drop in the bucket.
- If only pan music were the food of love... August 09, 2009
Ever so often I wish I can forget the sad state of my country and instead enjoy the luxury my columnist-colleague Keith Smith does. I can see Keith's eyes "open wide", blurting out: "Luxury? What luxury? Dis man mad or what?" No, I'm not mad.
- Paranoid Prime Minister August 02, 2009
I often wonder what grave sins we Trinidadians and Tobagonians have committed to warrant the kinds of politicians we have been saddled with for generations.
- Discrimination, doc, not 'ethnic cleansing' July 26, 2009
On the few occasions I spoke with Dr Tim Gopeesingh, I found him to be an amiable, intelligent person. He is one of the few high-profile members of Basdeo Panday's parties who are bold enough to actually converse with me.
- Super-rich parties, dirt-poor supporters July 19, 2009
When political allies fall out, the mess that hits the fan could be worse than what would occur should a sewage-filled tanker explode in the midst of a $1,000-per-person, all-exclusive fete.
- Dawn of a new era July 12, 2009
Even as this column appears in print today, there is a "unity rally" being held at Skinner Park in San Fernando. Its promoters have invited people of every political persuasion, even those who do not belong to any party, to attend.
- Unity, change and exchange July 05, 2009
Although I can't afford the luxury of frequent travel abroad that some people do, I understand why they opt to spend time in other countries. It's not that they don't love their country, whatever its shortcomings.
- Drastic measures our only option June 28, 2009
I sensed the seething rage that simmered behind the genteel persona of Fr Clyde Harvey as he delivered the homily at Tecia Henry's funeral service last Thursday. Fr Harvey is a priest whose faith and training undoubtedly combine to make him a man of peace.
- Powerfully stupid on that smelter June 21, 2009
In the face of a court ruling against the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) granting a Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) to Alutrint, citizens must wonder why the Patrick Manning Government seems intent proceeding with this multi-billion-dollar project.
- Caricom: backward ever, forward never June 14, 2009
Caribbean unity is an imperative for the survival of small island states like ours. But it seems to be coming apart at the seams, thanks to our tactless and egotistic leaders. Our disintegration comes at a time when much of the world is moving towards some form of unity, if only to sustain their economies in a time of crisis and in the longer term.
- What a week! June 07, 2009
It was that kind of week, one during which so much happened, the columnist is left confused. What issues do I address? My colleagues-in-print have all but flogged "Mad Max" to death. Except that President Max, endowed with powers to commit sins then forgive himself, is not about to die from shame or demit office unceremoniously.
- Of pride and prejudice May 31, 2009
Every year, come Carnival or Emancipation Day or Spiritual Baptist Day or Indian Arrival Day, one hears the same refrain: the Government 'ent give we enough money to celebrate we special day.
- Curb road carnage with punitive laws May 24, 2009
Some 30-odd years ago, when the Solomon Hochoy Highway was completed and fully opened to traffic (initially, only one carriageway was built and used), accidents close to the Claxton Bay flyover were not uncommon.
- Integrity Act must be fair to all May 17, 2009
Frankly, I don't give a flying fig whether President Max Richards opts to stay in a ski-lodge in the Alps for the entire summer, or he and Mrs Richards rent a castle in Austria, or they drop in on Denis Solomon at his "remote cottage" in north Italy, as he once described it to me. What I resent is every-man-Jack-or-Bas calling on President Max to return home pronto.
- Father, forgive them not... May 10, 2009
On very rare occasions I start my columns with quotes, mainly because I believe this is my space to express my views on whatever I choose to write about. Today, however, I veer from that course by seeking material from one institution that regards personal integrity as being paramount to good leadership.
- Food and water before oil and gas May 03, 2009
Trinidadians would swear that the world is gripped by "blight", a toxic mix of negative forces or "spirit lashes" that have us reeling every-which-way. Those who believe in the biblical end-times would counter that God is angry with man, hence the confluence of wars, pestilence, human misery and harsh economic times.
- Caring too much about image April 26, 2009
Prime Minister Patrick Manning seems surprised that so many people are angry over this country hosting the Fifth Summit of the Americas. I wrote a few weeks ago that having committed the country to the summit when he did, he no doubt thought that we could afford that $500 million or whatever the real cost was.
- Brother Barack, Comrade Chavez April 19, 2009
By the time this column appears in print the Summit will be almost over. The 34 heads of governments will have had their say, hopefully in a civil manner. Hugo Chavez has indicated he would insist on the US trade blockade of Cuba be addressed in the document.
- Sober suggestions for summit war on drugs April 12, 2009
One agenda item that no doubt crops up at every Summit of the Americas is the illegal drug trade. The two main mind-altering drugs produced, traded and used in the Western Hemisphere are marijuana and cocaine. Note-I have not mentioned alcohol, which is also mind-altering but which has been legalised globally.
- We have come a long way, Barack April 05, 2009
For those charged with securing the Summit delegates from rampaging protestors, as happened at last week's G20 meeting in London, their bigger challenge is likely to be refereeing jousts among the delegates. Our people are not known for violent protests.
- Summit for neglected majority March 29, 2009
Let us forget for a moment the "spring cleaning" exercise the Government has undertaken in preparation for the Fifth Summit of the Americas. True, we all tend to put our best faces forward when we invite visitors to our homes.
- Food pact from Summit March 22, 2009
I understand and can excuse the average citizen's call for Government to cancel hosting the Fifth Summit of the Americas (SOA), and later this year, the Commonwealth Heads' (CHOGM) meeting.
- Karen's dilemma March 15, 2009
When she entered the political arena and accepted the Cabinet position of Minister of Finance, Karen Nunez-Tesheira must have been familiar with the adage, "In politics, perception is reality."
- Playfield become battlegrounds March 08, 2009
After you overcome the initial shock you feel angry, very angry. Then a feeling of sadness overwhelms you, followed by stark reality that the sports you so enjoy, the sportsmen and women who give you such pleasure, who are seen as symbols of sanity amidst a sea of madness, are being destroyed before your eyes.
- Taxing the million-dollar men March 01, 2009
For too many years we have haggled over what the minimum wage should be in this country: should we pay the poor buggers $9 an hour, or $10? That would amount to less than $2,000 a month, but it's worth fighting over.
- Future in the hands of young pannists February 22, 2009
By the time people are sober or sane enough to read this column, this year's Carnival celebrations will have been just about over, or close to it. A Carnival Sunday column is one of the toughest the average columnist must write as he stares at a blank computer screen.
- Backward step February 15, 2009
Bunji Garlin is correct on two points he made regarding calls to ban his runaway hit, "Banana", from the airwaves. First, censoring any artform, be it music or dance or "bois" simply makes the censored item more popular, more appealing to those who want to know why it was banned.
- Beyond Duprey February 08, 2009
Up to ten days ago, Lawrence Duprey was one of most admired businessmen in Trinidad and Tobago. He was not self-made, as some of his peers and predecessors were. He inherited the biggest and strongest insurance company in the country founded by his uncle Cyril.
- Tourism down, Carnival dying February 01, 2009
Politicians are wont to making the damnedest statements. This ugly trait is not confined to Trinidad and Tobago's special breed that litters the political landscape.
- The journey to Obama's ascendancy January 25, 2009
It was an emotional moment, watching Barack Hussein Obama take the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States of America.
- Rally, rally 'round T&T January 18, 2009
There was a time when the moment things turned sour in this country, those who could afford it would simply flee to the USA, Canada or Europe. That happened mainly among professionals who were educated here at taxpayers' expense, entrepreneurs who rose from running one-door shops to the multi-million-dollar enterprises.
- Recession opens new opportunities January 11, 2009
If ever the world needed an economic recession, this is the time. Maybe there is some superior entity that is both omniscient and omnipotent, that saw the excesses man was capable of, left to his devices. And just maybe, that entity decided to call halt to the madness that gripped mankind, from Iceland to Antarctica.
- Israel courting doomsday January 04, 2009
Some 40 years or so ago, in the heady days of Black Power and the global fight for basic human and civil rights by non-Whites, I saw all White people as oppressors. I was a young firebrand, who, in the universal spirit of my revolutionary hero Cuban Che Guevara, was ready to fight against injustices wherever they existed.